Monthly DEC/EC Report Jurisdiction:_Champaign County___ Month: ___June___ Year: ____2005___ AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY SERVICE Total number of ARES members: __42___ÊÊÊ Change since last month: _0___(+,-, or same) Local Net Name: ___Weekly net_________________ Total sessions ____4______ NTS liaison is maintained with the _____________________________________________________ NetÊÊ Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: _1_ Person hours: 2 Number of public service events this month: ___1____ Person hours: 98 Number of emergency operations this month: ____ 0 Person hours: 0 Total number of ARES operations this month: __2__ Total Person hours: 100 Comments: Public service event was the Homer, IL Sesquicentennial Celebration. We provided communications support for the two day event. I am preparing an "after action" report which I will forward to you when complete. The event turned out to be an excellent training opportunity for a long term deployment situation. Signature: _Steven D. Hilberg____ Title: (EC or DEC) ___EC______ Call sign: __N9XDC_________ Please send to your SEC or DEC as appropriate by 2nd of the month FSD-212 (1-04)